Friday, April 17, 2009

Are you serious...

This article is an example of exactly the attitude that is ruining the youth sports leagues around our country.

It actually advocates many ridiculous ideas. The strategies in this article have no place in any youth sports programs that have the intention of actually helping the participants become better people, not just players. Why do we want to work this hard to make kids feel good about themselves as players....when its simply not true in many instances.

It is obvious that safety, sportsmanship, adherence to all rules and parent behavior are important priorities for all leagues. But reducing youth sports to intramural, non-compete, everybody plays-everybody wins activities is removing what makes sport great. Where are the lessons of dealing with adversity, sacrificing for the team, hard work to earn playing time and other ideas that can benefit young people for their entire life, beyond sports. Its about more than making everyone feel good.


  1. I do not think that MomsTeam is supporting a non-competitive intramural everybody plays-everybody wins type approach. However, I do see how many could misread the points made on the site toward that end. Would enjoy discussing this further with you. Visit for an open chat or email me at to set up a time most convienient for you.

    Kirk Mango
    Author: Becoming a True Champion

  2. Many grassroots groups like Moms Team are out there educating on the problems of youths sports to many who don't otherwise know better. As educators, we have been taught to build upon existing knowledge. If it is not comprehensive enough, we should add to it. Without the work of others, good or bad or indifferent, we'd only be further behind in deciding what is broken in the youth sports.

    I understand your concern for of a "feel good" approach. If it isn't the right way, the next obvious question that follows is what is the right way?

    Coach P.
    Jelly Bean Sports, Inc.
